zuckAblog; a blog about zuck´s life

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07 February 2009

Vang Vien Laos, panoramic fake HDR

Today I would like to show a little experiment that I tried with one of the panoramic pictures taken in Laos. I just created 7 pictures from the original one. Using a photo editor program (the gimp or photoshop) and adjust the ev (exposure, AKA, exposición) values of it "ev: -1, -0.7, -0.3, 0.3, 0.7, 1, 2" So I ended with 8 pictures each one with it´s own exposure characterishtics.

After using an HDR program (photoshop cs2 or above, Or the one I suggest photomatix ) you give all the pictures generated before with their ev values as input to the program and you get a jpegHDR picture.

In the given example I generated two final jpeg from the HDR one, one with color saturation High and the other with the color saturation low. From the saturated one I took the sky and from the not saturated one I took the mountains, houses, grass and bushes to create this final composition.

I hope you enjoy it. I think it went pretty well the experinment.

Click here to see the original picture.

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